Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oh how wonderful is my Mr Wonderful

I am mad. I am tired of being mad. But I have to stay mad to make my point across although staying mad is such an effort I don't think I'll bother. It is sad when getting mad is the only way I can get my point across a thick headed neanderthal man. His heart is in the right place but honestly?? We were going home from a lovely dinner with the girls. We both ate too much so the journey home was kinda sedate on the account that we were full (food babies both of us) and I was getting kinda sleepy. There was a beat up car in front with a for sale sign on it, and they were travelling at speeds even Mr Snail would complain about.. i.e. 70 in a 100 kmh road. So Mr Speedy decided to floor it and overtake. No problem. However once he has, he braked and forced the other car to slow down? WTF? I turned to him and gestured "WTF" with my hands (yes you know the gesture) and he didn't answer. The car at back answered for him by putting their high beam lights on and off. And on and off. At this time I know that a/Mr Wonderful has pissed someone off b/Mr Wonderful is himself pissed off c/a confrontation is imminent and d/no sex tonight coz I'll be pissed off. So I asked again what the matter was and I was briefly told that when Mr Wonderful overtook, the youths driving said beat up car gave him a 'jerk off' sign which pissed him off and so here we are... I asked/told/harrassed him to let it go and just leave it be (I don't know as yet why 'it' is such an insult at this point) and he being Mr Wonderful (eye roll) will not. So he braked (in the middle of the road - where cars go by at 100kmh!) and the other car behind had no option but to brake behind him. OUT he goes thundering and there were heated words, out goes the juvenile youth (drunk with a beer bottle in his hand - and driving at 100kmh!!!) and his equally juvenile mate (also drunk - but still coherent so maybe he should have been designated Dave and drove - but never mind) and blagh.. arghh.. me male.. you kid... me young.. you old.. blarghh.. arghh.. is all I heard from the commotion outside the car. I was of great mind to lock the doors and if the youths pulled a knife on Mr Wonderful I'm sure I'll drive him to the hospital.. maybe... My blood boiled at this point for a/he was sober so he should have known better b/he was older so he should have known better c/taking insults from jerk off signs - really??? d/picking a fight on two inebriated children is like watching Goliath pound on David. Its just cruel and thats not how the story was suppose to go. And Mr Wonderful being an engineer with more than your average IQ - I expected better of him dammit - not some thug who fights first and think not at all. Me Smash. Me Crash. Arggh.. aRggh... The youths explained that their car was beat up and Mr Wonderful (I wasnt sure who was more mature at this point - the drunk teens or my Mr Wonderful - I think the teens have it two to one) said that they should not be on the road blah blah and so the youths drove away to which he cheerily said Ok Bye! So on the way home, he copped an earful from me then its silent treatment. He hates silent treatment. When I am mad, thats default action, otherwise I would brain him dead and he is stronger bigger than me so he'll just laugh and that will send me to overload. More silent treatments - for a week!!! Then being Mr Wonderful, he turned it around so that its my fault for being so like my mother by having all this temper tantrum and silent treatment!!! Brain overload!! Thats it pal - silent treatment for the Day!!!! x

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